This healthy muffin recipe features strawberries, but you can use your favorite berry in their place. Recipe adapted from the Massachusetts Farm to School...
By the end of the week, any bananas left in the fruit bowl are past their prime--just right for these moist bran muffins. Add a handful of dark chocolate...
These lemony cranberry-studded muffins crunch lightly with cornmeal and are topped with a kiss of sugared lemon zest. They're great warm from the oven,...
If you're tired of sweet breakfast muffins or just looking for a savory breakfast, try these--you'll love the smoky flavor from the Canadian bacon and...
Healthy peanut butter and jelly muffins are whole wheat and naturally sweetened, with no butter or oil but plenty of peanut butter flavor and a fun jelly...
These blackberry muffins are perfect for an on-the-go breakfast. The batter is lightly flavored with cloves, while almonds on top give them a savory, nutty...
By the end of the week, any bananas left in the fruit bowl are past their prime--just right for these moist bran muffins. Add a handful of dark chocolate...